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Threshold Notes -- The Reiki Attunement-Part 5

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Last Updated: January 8, 2019        RETURN TO THRESHOLD NOTES INDEX
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This article is one of a series where I give my ideas on aspects of Reiki and/or energy work. The pages are intended to give some "food for thought" and some are only my viewpoint. While a number of facts may be included, you should decide for yourself how much (if any) of the content feels right to you.

xAs I mentioned in Part 1, when most students come to me for master level training, especially if they are new to my Reiki classes, they usually are very keen on anything to do with the Reiki attunement.  In the distant class most will jump right away past the class checklist to the section on attunements, especially the sample videos I have (even though they are pretty old productions from 2001.)  So this particular topic includes some thoughts I have shared on this very important part of the class.  
  Part 1 - topics on 1 – the attunement intention;  and  2 – the student's potential energy experience
  Part 2 - topics on 3
the integration process;  and  4 – the teacher's experience
  Part 3 - topics on 5 attunements without training;  and  6 – frequent re-attunements
  Part 4 - topics on 7 temporary attunements; and  8 – reiju (and attunements) as a blessing 

  1. In the original Reiki society, Mr. Doi told me that the shihan or master would check the students' energies when they met.  He said that in the Gakkai, one of the conditions that a student had to meet in order to be allowed into the Okuden level, was that his/her Reiki energy had to have a certain strength to it.

    Note that this isn’t a normal requirement of most Reiki systems anymore, but it may be of interest to you.  If you feel it is helpful at any given time, you might privately share this with the student.

    I have found that with enough natural ability or lots of practice sensing various energies (of Reiki, symbols, people, plants, foods, places, etc.) that you can grow to do this yourself, and not just on others but with your own Reiki energy.  It is even possible to do it from a distance.  Natural healers have done this for ages, also people with clairvoyant/clairsentient abilities.

    In a Reiki class a good time to do this is before and after giving attunements or reiju.  Before the attunement, as you are either explaining what you plan to do, or as you are setting up the students for the ceremony you might try sensing each students Reiki energy, especially the version of Reiki you plan to share with them. 

    A simple method is to flow your own Reiki energy as strong as you can, and measure it.  Then as you work with each student, reach out to sense the same version of Reiki energy; or if you wish, their overall Reiki or higher vibrational energies.  Compare yours and theirs and decide how theirs feels to you.

    After the ceremony, you can do this as well, but I find it is even more exact if you do it just before the end of the class, after they have been practicing with their new or upgraded energies for the duration.  This then indicates how much they have integrated the changes during class. 

    You might also check your own Reiki energy before and after the class.  You will have been holding an energy space for the students not only during attunements/reiju, but possibly at other moments in the class as well (as when joining in with practice Reiki sessions.)

  2. This usually is not a concern for many Reiki Masters, but you might have to decide which attunement/reiju ceremony to use.  In some training methods like Threshold Reiki the master level student learns more than one version of a Reiki attunement ceremony.  Some methods are part of a certain style of Reiki - like Gendai Reiki or Karuna Reiki - and so there really is no choice other than  whatever is taught in that style.  But with the knowledge of some of the original reiju ceremonies from Japan and those shared by Mr. Doi during the 5 URRI conferences (1999-2003) Reiki Masters wishing to use something shorter than Western Reiki ceremonies might decide to select one of these. 

  3. You have a certain responsibility to those you attune.  This mainly applies to the giving of attunements or reiju outside of a class when there might be a limited amount of time to help the recipient understand what he or she has been given, and how the Reiki energy may then be made use of.  Also, in these cases it's important to be available afterwards in case a recipient experiences some form of integration cleansing, as mentioned in Part 2 - 3. of this article.  So even though you may be showing a very generous spirit of sharing a free attunement on the spot for whatever reason, please do consider and determine how knowledgeable about Reiki your recipient may be, and what if any support they may require afterwards.

  4. And finally, some time ago I wrote an article on "Perfecting Reiki Attunements and Reiju."  It is worthwhile to have a read of this before your Reiki classes, especially as it is often very useful for reproducing exact Reiki energies your teacher may have used on you.   Another article you may wish to read is the "Origin of the Reiki Attunement" just to get some background on the history of this aspect of Reiki training.

(Read here about Richard, his extensive training, and his classes)
Richard (Rick) Rivard

If you have comments or suggestions, Contact Me.   I will try to answer them all.

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