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Threshold Experience - Personal Symbol - Sea Breeze

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Last Updated: April 27, 2005
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- Threshold Reiki Experience -
This page is one of a series where I share a personal experience or anecdote related to my Reiki work.  The pages are also intended to give you some "food for thought" and add to your overall Reiki knowledge base. 
While the experience has been my own, I feel that you should decide for yourself how much (if any) of the content has any usefulness to your own Reiki work. 

Symbols and/or their mantras/names are a common form of connecting to energy.  They usually act as a focus for the person who wishes to activate the relative energy from within. Some people however, like Duane Packer and Sanaya Roman (www.orindaben.com) are given energies without symbols, even without names. But symbols still seem to be the primary way to connect with many energies

Most Reiki teachers will tell you that many students like to share their own personal symbols in class.  As you probably know, symbols aren't discovered only by the "spiritually enlightened".  Many people get visualizations or dreams where they are shown symbols and even the energy they connect with. In most cases these are intended for the receiver, but they can also be shared with others.

What is interesting is that often other people will get a different feel and/or use for the energy of your symbols than you do.  This doesn't invalidate what you or they experience; it is simply the unique way in which each of us approaches our reality.  Even in our daily life, we often find uses for objects that weren't initially intended for by the inventor.  There is a funny Canadian TV show called "The Red Green Show" in which Red finds all kinds of uses for duct tape. <grin>

Another interesting fact is that other people may be given versions of symbols close to yours.  Usually though, there may be slight differences, and these usually indicate that the symbol has a different use or purpose for the individual that received it.  The fact that the symbol is similar may indicate previous use in another lifetime, or just the way we tap into each other's reality before we meet.  This type of coincidence is most likely indicating something to take note of concerning what the other person is about, or has to offer.

To give you some idea as to how people can experience their own symbols, below are two examples I experienced while in a waking state.  Note: these are not Reiki symbols, as there really are only 4 original symbols associated with Reiki.  All others like those in Tera-Mai and Karuna Reiki are simply personal symbols added in.


this Sea Breeze graphic by C.J.van der Mark jr.
(Click on image for full size)

Sea Breeze

Sea BreezeSea Breeze is the first energy my Guide Cypress shared with me. This was in January in 1995 in a healing experience with my friend Don Barnett. .  However when I asked her to work her energy through me it was far too powerful at the time (that is, I could not hold this).  So a few months later she presented me with a focus to tap into part of the energy - she gave me a symbol for it.  It was like getting the tip of an iceberg. 

I received this symbol during an “Opening to Channel” class with Carla Anderson on April 29, 1995. While practicing channeling energy from my guide into the room, I also added Reiki energy. After I had projected some Reiki symbols into the room, I was compelled to draw back-to-back letter a’s. 

The energy from this symbol seemed to be soft, calming and able to release tension. In May 1995, while teaching a Reiki Master's class, I attuned clairvoyant J. Stuart to this symbol then asked her to attune me to it. In the process, not only did the energy from the symbol increase, but my guide, Cypress, privately told me it was a gift from her to me, and that I should pass it on to others. 

In a Reiki Two class in September, 1995, I began channeling Cypress while the class was performing group Reiki on a student. She told us that this symbol could be used to attract the highest potential to an individual in this lifetime.

4 years later in 1999 while attending another person's healing  class I received the complete energy suddenly and it flowed as strongly as I had first experienced it, only this time I could handle it.   It was ice cold yet I was getting this on a hot summer day while working with a fellow student.  I had my hands about a foot away from my partner on either side yet she too was shivering from the cold.  I ask her if I should stop, and she said "NO, but it is very cold." 

I discovered that in healing Qi Gong, typically hot chi may be used for energy work but for deeper healing the advanced healers are taught to run cold chi. This moves deeper energy blocks out of the way so the hot chi can get in.  So this might be an example of the highest potential in a healing situation. 

However, you may find that it has a different use for you.

Sea Breeze is now a part of the Threshold Reiki energy I share. 

I encourage you to experiment and find out if it is effective for you. As I mentioned before, this is not a Reiki symbol.  As with most symbols, it may be more powerful if you are attuned or initiated to it.  Ask your Reiki teacher if they know of a way to do this (a method is taught in Threshold Reiki Master class).

How To Draw It
How to draw Sea Breeze

If you have comments or suggestions, Contact Me.     I will try to answer them all.

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