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Threshold Notes -- Starting to Teach Reiki - Pt. 4

Last Updated: September 4, 2018       RETURN TO THRESHOLD NOTES iNDEX

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This Note is one of a series where I give my ideas on aspects of Reiki and/or energy work. The pages are intended to give some "food for thought" and some are only my viewpoint. While a number of facts may be included, you should decide for yourself how much (if any) of the content feels right to you.

This article is from some material I have been preparing for my own master level students.

Comments: Obviously this is the most important part of the teaching process, but at this point you are now much more prepared to work with your students. While there may be many things you want to remember and carry out, do try to enjoy yourself.  Remember, in many ways you are simply a resource for each person as ultimately he or she will decide how they wish to actually make use of Reiki in their daily life. Each student will experience what and how much he or she needs to, including the Reiki energy.

It’s Showtime (Conducting the Class):

1.    The Students Arrive: It seems obvious but as your students come in, let them know where they can hang things, where the facilities are, etc.  Ask them to turn their phone ringers off (to cut down on distractions), provide them with water or other needs (Reiki can be thirsty work), ask if anyone needs an extra cushion for their chair, their back or even their feet (not everyone is tall, or short).  

2.    Teaching ReikiOpening the Class: You can introduce yourself and then set some of the ground rules for the class.  This might just be how you allow questions or comments throughout the class, or how you handle interruptions (I let people use the washroom as needed), or how the class will run.  You can also let everyone share what they hope to achieve by class end.  This is a good time to give out any handouts or manuals and let them know what it covers.  But you might want to keep an eye on any that start to read and get too involved in the material and not in the class.  You might have everyone set these down for the time being but reassure them which parts you will cover or review later.  Not everyone will need this material but those used to analytical or structured concepts, or historical accuracy, generally do.

3.    Following the Class Plan: While it’s a good idea to follow the agenda you have set up, don’t be too concerned if you stray from it a bit.  That’s partly why I suggest adding in some extra topics that you may or may not cover, depending on the students’ needs.  Keep in mind what their goals are for the class, and while it’s very good to answer questions, try not to let one student monopolize this.

4.    Reiki attunementThe Main Event (the Reiki attunement):  Your teacher will have prepared you for this part but if you have a few students, do realise that they may have varying abilities to sense the attunement or the Reiki energy; some may not sense anything at all. To help those with this challenge you might try to distract them from their thoughts with a bit of guided relaxation, perhaps even a short meditation.  This is so they aren’t thinking about other things in their life and can pay more attention to what they are experiencing in the moment.  You know by now (from your class work and practicing) that all of them will be attuned regardless of their experience, but those not very sensitive to energy may feel that they didn’t get anything.  You can fix that concern later but giving them a chance to relax and clear their thoughts will help right now. In addition, I have an article on perfecting an attunement so you might wish to read that in advance.

5.  After the Attunement: Generally it’s a good idea to let students come out of the attunement experience gradually.  I just let them sit there for as long as they need to and suggest they just relax with the energies with their eyes closed.  As they revive I suggest they get up quietly in case others are still in that very relaxed state; they can stretch, drink water, walk around, and perhaps even go outside for a short break. 

6.    Applying Reiki to yourselfSharing and Testing: Afterwards I let everyone sit and talk about their experience.  Then right away I have them try their Reiki out on themselves. (I call this the “test drive.”)  If they have had Reiki training before, I ask them to notice if anything feels different to them.  If someone in the group had no sensations during or after the attunement I might then have everyone sit closer together and place one hand on the shoulder of a fellow student while the other person just receives.  I tell them to intend Reiki to flow but usually it does so right away.  As they do this I have them exchange what they are feeling; both the giver and the receiver.  The giver can express what he/she feels in their hand or their own body, while the receiver can share what is being felt from the giver’s hand, their own shoulder, and elsewhere in their body as well.  Then each pair switches roles.  This usually demonstrates right away that something has indeed happened during the attunement. I also give them several analogies as to how they might think of Reiki so they can understand what is occurring: Reiki as music; as water in a garden; as electricity; or any other ideas I can think of depending on what a student is interested in their regular life.

7.  Reiki on a partnerPractice, Practice, Practice: Most likely you will have several other things for the students to do during the class and you might also be lecturing them on things like the Usui Gainen, Reiki ethics, Reiki history, etc.  During a lot of this they can be practicing Reiki on themselves.  If you have a sample handout showing possible hand placements then this can give them some ideas.  Let them do this in any order because too long a time spent doing the positions with their arms up around the head can tire some.  But keep them practicing, even if it’s just doing the next person’s shoulder as before, or placing their hands on their own knees.  The more they can keep the energy running the better it will have a chance to integrate within them.  Most likely you will have your own notes to refer to and if you like you may have them quietly read something from time to time.  Encourage questions and answers to help them keep alert and involved. 

8.    Reiki Application Ideas: Some methods you might employ to have students use their Reiki are the following:  Byosen Reikan Ho or scanning – this allows those who wish to sense energy a chance to try this out on another person; Reiji Ho or intuitive Reiki – this will be most preferred by the students already sensitive to energy but it is another method to help those just learning to sense;   a short Reiki session in a chair – since not everyone will run out and buy a massage table to use for their Reiki sessions, this may be a more practical exercise for most students.

9.    Switching Partners: As the class progresses and you give the students various exercises to attempt with a partner, think about having them change partners for each exercise.  This allows them to get more feedback in their abilities and also introduces them to another student. 

10. Breaks and Lunch:  All this energy work can cause some students to feel a bit spacey.  Having a few breaks and especially having lunch time (if this is an all-day class) will help to ground them and give them some time to chat with each other.  This can form some very good Reiki bonds and future practice partners.  It’s also a good time for some students to get to know you outside of class, or ask some additional questions.  Note that some people may need to have a snack or drink throughout the class.  You might tell them this is OK so they don’t get dizzy or feel starved.

11. Reiki certificateClass End and Post Class Support:  Class usually ends with some words from you and the passing out of certificates of completion.  Check if everyone learned what they had expected to learn.   Make sure they feel grounded and not buzzed if they intend to drive a car.  Students will want to know when they will be allowed to repeat a class or even take the next level of Reiki.  You might announce how you will offer them support once they get home and begin to work with Reiki in their daily life.  You can offer periodic Reiki shares they can attend, or phone and email support, perhaps even set up a Yahoo Group List or a forum.  You probably know that periodic re-attunements were given freely by Hayashi and by the original Reiki Society, the URR Gakkai.  These could also be part of your Reiki gatherings. Congratulation on completing your first class and know that you will most likely make changes from here on as to how you teach Reiki.  smile

Here are links to some of the web pages mentioned in this Note:
- Perfecting Reiki Attunements    - Reiki Analogies     - Reiki as Music     
- Reiki Share Ideas      - Creating a Yahoo Group      - URR Gakkai Reiju     
- Byosen Reikan Ho       - Reiji Ho          - Reiki Session in a Chair      
- Possible Hand Positions       - Usui Gainen         - What is Reiki     
Richard (Rick) Rivard

If you have comments or suggestions, Contact Me.   I will try to answer them all.

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