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Japanese Version: 
Iyashino Gendai
Reiki Ho

Modern Reiki Method for Healing
by Hiroshi Doi, Reiki Master

Modern Reiki Method for Healing
English Version:
The book is now back in print, however I am allowed to print a copy for my own students as an appreciation for getting the first version's translation completed and published.  So I choose to give a free copy to my Gendai Reiki Shihan (master level) students.and some of my Threshold Reiki master level students.
For original Gendai Reiki Shihan training information
Click Here.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Last Updated: May 19, 2018

These are some of the Chapters that were translated before the first publication and
Doi-sensei allowed us to share.  Just click on your selection
Table of Contents   / Reiki History (Chapter 3)   /  Reiki Techniques (Chapter 10)   / 
Self-cleansing Techniques With Reiki (Chapter 11)   /  Reiki Meditation Technique (Chapter 12) 
"Hatsurei-ho" (Chapter 13) 

For more detail and images for the old Reiki techniques, please visit these pages:
Sample Shoden Pages       Sample Okuden Pages
Mr Hiroshi Doi is one of the better known Reiki masters in Japan and in 1998 he published a book that sheds a little more light on the practice of Reiki in Japan, and as Mikao Usui taught it.  His Reiki training began in a grass-roots style of Reiki (téaté) and then included a western style Reiki. He pursued knowledge on the true history of Reiki and took training from the former head of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, Mrs. Koyama.  Mr. Doi has incorporated much of this teaching along with the best of his western training into his school of Reiki, called "Gendai Reiki".  He is also a member of the Gakkai.

At the time he wrote his book, he thought he was initially attuned to Reiki I and II by Ms.Mitsui (Barbara Ray's Radiance Technique). However, he since discovered that the téaté he learned from Mr. Ohta, came from the head of the Hiroshima chapter of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, Mr. Sasaki (Mr. Ohta's teacher) and is what we call Usui Téaté.   He then received attunements from Ms. Koyama of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai and he also received Neo Reiki training from an Indian Reiki master in Tokyo.

Thanks to Yukio Miura and a couple other Japanese Reiki masters, some of the book was translated into English in early 1999.  Mr. Doi gave permission to publish these sections on my web site.  Also with his permission, I had the rest of the book translated and given as part of the handouts to the participants of the 1999 URRI conference I hosted for Mr. Doi here in Vancouver.  My co-hosts were my friends Tom Rigler, Andy Bowling, Yukio Miura and Yuko Okamoto (along with great assistance by some of my former students, and my wife and family).

The following year Mr. Doi asked me to help him get the English version published. It remained in publication for many years.

Here is the Table of Contents from his book, along with some excerpts from it that you may find interesting.

Table of Contents

- Foreword
- Message from Japan, Birthplace of Reiki -- For Readers of the English Version
- Introduction

Part I. This is Reiki-ho   - Reiki digest - 
1. Reiki and Reiki-ho 
2. What's the structure of Reiki-ho? 
3. Reiki History (contains Japanese version of memorial translation)
4. Level-1 Reiki healing basics 
5. Level-2 Healing beyond time and space 
6. Level-3 Growing higher through the light from higher dimension 
7. Level-4 Becoming a Reiki teacher 
Part II. Reiki Q & A 
8.   Frequently Asked Questions
9.   On Reiki history 
10. On Reiki techniques
Part III Techniques for Self-cleansing and Growth 
11. Self-cleansing techniques with Reiki 
12. Self-Growth with Reiki 
13. Self Empowerment technique in "Modern Reiki" 


Note: there are some individual pages presented from some of the chapters - see below.
Translation by Yukio Miura
Click on image 
for larger view
"Modern Reiki method for healing" by Hiroshi Doi, 
The representative of Modern Reiki healing society 


Part I. This is Reiki-ho   - Reiki digest - 

1. Reiki and Reiki-ho 
- "Hands-on healing"  is a natural healing method that has existed since ancient time 
- What is Reiki-ho? 
- Reiki is a Universal Energy 
- Reiki-ho is a way to make active use of the Universal Energy 
- Universal Energy is wave/vibration of Love  from higher dimension 
- What is wave of Love? 
- Universal Energy exists everywhere in the form of wave/vibration 
- Characteristics of Reiki-ho 

2. What's the structure of Reiki-ho? 
- Four steps that make Reiki-ho
- <Level 1> Opening Reiki channel 
- <Level 2> Enhancing Reiki Power and extending the use of Reiki 
- <Level 3> Reaching higher level of vibration of consciousness and being more creative 
- <Level 4> Becoming a Reiki teacher

3. Reiki History
-  "Mikao Usui", the founder of Reiki 
- translation of Usui Memorial (Epitaph)
- His pursuit in life and awakening at Mt.Kuramayama 
- Followers of  Reiki in Japan 
- Expanded Reiki worldwide through internationalization 
- Reiki re-introduced to Japan 
- My personal history of Reiki 
- Combining Traditional Reiki and Western Reiki 
- Reiki-ho, now and future 

4. <Level -1> Reiki healing basics 
- Preliminary knowledge of Reiki healing 
- Basics on use of hands 
- How to give a healing session 
- Aura cleaning 
- Basic 12 hand positions for healing 
- Reiki healing for yourself 
- Reiki healing for others 
- Reiki healing for plants and animals 
- Using Reiki for cleansing objects 
- Group Reiki healing 
- Reiki Circle 
- Other uses of Reiki 
- Making the most out of Reiki level 1 

5. <Level-2> Healing beyond time and space 
- Use of Symbols and Mantras 
- What are Symbols and Mantras 
- Three symbols 
- How to use 1st Symbol (Power) 
- How to use 2nd Symbol (Harmony) 
- How to use 3rd Symbol (Going beyond time and space) 
- Distance Healing 
- Healing to the past 
- Healing to the future 
- Reiki Box 
- De-programming technique 
- Making the most out of Reiki level 2 

6.<Level-3> Growing higher through the light from higher dimension 
- Maximized use of techniques learned through level 1 and 2 
- How to use 4th Symbol (Master) 
- How to get guidance from your higher-self 
- How to get connected to consciousness in higher dimension 
- Cleansed by light, growing through meditation 

7.<Level-4> Becoming a Reiki teacher 
- Qualification and roles as Reiki teacher
- On-going practice and teaching are vital 
- Teaching is the best way of learning 

Part II. Reiki Q & A 

8. Frequently Asked Questions 
- Q1 Is there an official certification system for Usui Reiki practitioner/teacher? 
- Q2 Does anyone can learn Reiki and expect the same results? 
- Q3 What are the differences between Reiki and QiGong? 
- Q4 Why don't we need concentration or long practice to open Reiki channel? 
- Q5 How can we enhance our ability? 
- Q6 Do we lose energy when I give Reiki to others? 
- Q7 There is no worry about receiving negative energy? 
- Q8 Is Reiki a way of relaxation? 
- Q9 Can I learn Reiki on my own by reading Reiki textbooks? 

9. On Reiki history 
- Q1 Why hasn't Reiki spread in Japan until recently? 
- Q2 Why are there so many false stories about Usui-sensei? 
- Q3 How did Usui-sensei perceive Reiki? 
- Q4 What is the true teaching of Usui-sensei? 
- Q5 What are the five Reiki principles? 
- Q6 Why was Reiki re-introduced to Japan? 
- Q7 What are the differences between Western Reiki and traditional Usui Reiki? 

10. On Reiki techniques 

- Q1. To what level of Reiki should I learn? 
- Q2. How can I develop the sense of Aura/Ki?
- Q3. What are the examples of the pure traditional Usui Reiki techniques? 
- Q4. Tell me more about symbols 
- Q5. What's the ultimate goal of Reiki-ho? 

Part III Techniques for Self-cleansing and Growth 

11. Self-cleansing techniques with Reiki 

- Reiki shower 
- Breathing of Light technique 
- Gassho Breathing technique 
- Chakra Breathing technique

12. Self-Growth with Reiki 
- Cell activation technique 
- "Nentatsu-ho" (Deprogramming) technique 
- Affirmation technique 
- Reiki meditation technique

13. Self Empowerment technique in "Modern Reiki" 
- Philosophy in "Modern Reiki" 
- Everything exists in the form of vibration 
- Vibration Breathing technique 
- Vibration Meditation technique 
- "Hatsurei-ho" (Combination of exercise/meditation for spiritual growth)
- Healing for self-cleansing 
- Techniques for developing sense of Ki 


<Reference Books>
<Information given at the Vancouver Workshop>
 A:  Reiki in Japan
  1. Reiki History in Japan
    (1) History on Usui Sensei
    (2) Successors of Traditional Reiki Ryoho
    (3) Masters Given Shinpi-den by Usui Sensei
    (4) Chujiro Hayashi, the great master who exported Reiki abroad
    (5) Famous Healers Who Learned Reiki Ryoho
  2. Current Reiki Status in Japan
  3. The Truth of History about Usui Sensei and Reiki Foundation
  4. Brief Contents of Traditional Reiki Ryoho
  5. Reiju and Hatsu-rei-ho
 B:  Reiki Symbols
 C:  Essence of Traditional Reiki Ryoho and Main Techniques
  1. How to Obtain Reiki Healing Ability
  2. How to Improve the Ability
  3. Supporting Methods
  4. Guide for Enlightenment
  5. The Three Big Techniques
  6. Techniques Taught in Each Level
    (1) Sho-den (Level 1)
    (2) Oku-den Zenki (the former part of Oku-den, Level 1-1)
    (3) Oku-den Koki (the latter part of Oku-den, Level 1-2)
 D:  Essence of Gendai Reiki Ho and Main Techniques
  1. Gendai Reiki Ho Text (Index ONLY)
    <Level 1>
    <Level 2>
    <Level 3>
    <Level 4>
  2. Other Techniques
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at Contact Me.   I will try to answer them all.
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