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What is Komyo Reiki Kai/Do?

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Last Updated: Nov. 13, 2016
Copyright Info - Making Use of Threshold Web Pages.
As of November 2016, I am no longer offering classes in Komyo Reiki.
Please see this page for a list of possible teachers.

Komyo Reiki Kai (now called Komyo Reiki Do) is a Reiki system I learned in 2002 from Japanese Buddhist lay monk Hyakuten Inamoto-sensei. 
It is based on some of the teachings of Mr. Chuujiro Hayashi as learned and remembered by his Okuden student Mrs. Chiyoku Yamaguchi in 1938 to 1940  (she passed away August 20, 2003 at t`he age of 83).  But it also adds in concepts from Takata style Reiki and from Gendai Reiki Ho.

Mrs. Yamaguchi studied to Okuden level with Mr. Hayashi during his semi-annual visits to her village.  She learned to teach through another Hayashi Shinpiden from her village, her uncle Wasaburo Sugano, but she did not teach formally until much later in her life.  In 2000, Hiroshi Doi-sensei met with Yamaguchi-sensei.  Doi-sensei's translator, Miyuki Iwasaki, told me what happened:

"Doi-sensei recently learned Reiki from a master (Ms. Yamaguchi) who was a student of Chujiro Hayashi.  Doi-sensei was allowed to teach Reiki by Ms. Yamaguchi, but that is not called as "Shinpi-den" because there is a possibility that Hayashi-sensei did not use the name of "Shinpi-den".  Ms. Yamaguchi says that she was allowed to teach by Hayashi-sensei, but she did not get so called "Shinpi-den". "
Encouraged by Hiroshi Doi, she and her son began to teach this method and called this style Jikiden Reiki.

Hyakuten attended gatherings held by Yamaguchi-sensei in 1997 for 60 straight weeks, but in an informal atmosphere of 3 to 5 participants. At the time, Yamaguchi-sensei was not teaching Reiki classes.  Meetings were held in the back of her son' stationary store and Yamaguchi-sensei would always give reiju (attunement) to each participant at each gathering.  At the time her son, Tadao, was not involved and preferred Joh-rei to his mothers training, at times even stating he felt Joh-rei was superior to Reiki.  In fact when I met him during URRI 2000 he told me he had only been practicing Reiki for a short time. When Yamaguchi-sensei finally began to teach classes formally in 2000 due to Mr. Doi's influence, Hyakuten acted as translator when English speaking students arrived.  However, Tadao now seemed to show interest in Reiki and was in control everything.  Even Hyakuten found his private meetings or visits with Mrs.. Yamaguchi were no longer allowed.

In 1999 when my friend Yukio Miura told me of his earlier meeting with Yamaguchi-sensei through Hyakuten, he said she had lost all her Hayashi material in a fire while living in Manchuria during the war.  Feeling empathy for her loss, I offered him a copy of the Japanese version of the Hayashi Healing Guide that Takata-sensei used to share with her master students.  He passed this onto Yamaguchi-sensei and said she was extremely grateful to receive a copy of original work from her teacher.

When she attended part of the URRI 2000 conference in Kyoto, Yukio was asked to introduce me to her so she could thank me personally.  As I approached her sitting outside the conference room, from about 8 feet away I began to feel I had moved into a very powerful field of energy, unlike any I had felt before.  I am not sure if this was her intention and since then I have been able to retain this energy and pass it on to others.  I have since experienced her much stronger Reiki energy and thus came to realise what I was sensing on that day was her own natural energy, what I tend to call a person's Highest Ki.  I have since always wondered why other Reiki people who met her or trained with her have never talked of her wonderful personal energy.

I had a brief pleasant talk with Yamaguchi-sensei through Yukio and told her how honoured I was to meet a person who had spent almost all her life with Reiki. We talked of her young grandson and how he too working with Reiki.  Later in the seminar, she and her son explained her experiences with Hayashi-sensei and had some photos to share. 

Yamaguchi-sensei speaking at URRI 2000, Kyoto
Her son passed out Jikkiden Reiki flyers for their new school and they had already held at least one Shoden-Chuuden-Okuden (Reiki 1 and 2) class in the summer.  Our friend Yuko Okamato had attended this class along with Arjava Petter and others.  Prices for their classes were very high by Western standards and since the URRI 2000 conference I am aware that these prices have risen.  Also, students are not allowed to partake in other Reiki styles.

Sadly Yamaguchi-sensei passed away in the summer of 2003. Tadao continues to run the school.  He is very strict on making students adhere to his exact methods.  However, I am aware of much older Hayashi style training and more accurate information from my training and work with Dave King-sensei.

In 2002 when Tadao learned of my invitation to sponsor Hyakuten at my URRI 2002 conference in Toronto, he sent a very negative letter to me and other well known masters, including Doi-sensei and William Rand, denouncing Hyakuten's right to teach, even though when I met the 2 of them (Hyakuten and Tadao) in 2000 they were both introduced to me as the 2 master level students of Yamaguchi-sensei.  In fact Hyakuten was already teaching at this time.  Since my friends and I had met Hyakuten and Yamaguchi-sensei in person and knew of their personal character and attitudes, we simply ignored this very un-Reiki tactic, as did Mr. Doi and Rand.   However, in order to step away from the Jikiden system, Hyakuten renamed his school to Komyo Reiki Kai (now called Komyo Reiki Do), and made other changes.

In spite of the additions, the Komyo Reiki system gives us a different insight into Dr. Hayashi's continuing changes to Usui Reiki Ryoho.  We know through one of his students (Tatsumi-san) that in 1931 Hayashi began to move away from his original combined method  of Usui Sensei's spiritual and personal development teachings, together with the Eguchi healing method which Hayashi and the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai had practiced.  It seems that even while he was teaching Takata-sensei in Tokyo and later in Hawaii, he was still making changes to his system until his passing in 1940. 

Some concepts, such as changes to the original symbols, will amaze students of other systems, but overall this methodology offers a very simple approach to Reiki, one that was quite common in Japan before World War 2, and approaching the original simple Takata style.  And of course, it is more focused on the simple healing aspects of Reiki as fostered by Dr. Hayashi after 1931, so there is little taught relating to the spiritual and historical side of Reiki.  Being a Buddhist lay monk, Hyakuten also adds in some Buddhist spiritual concepts to the system.
Hyakuten has also assisted Doi-sensei in his Gendai Reiki master classes as a translator, and has thus gained more qualifications to teach others.  However I do not know who eventually gave him permission to teach or whether he was certified. As mentioned before, he has added in a few  ideas from traditional URR Gakkai Reiki and Takata-style Reiki.

Note that some Japanese teachers place more emphasis on their Reiki energy lineage, than on their teaching or training lineage. This is evident with the Gendai Reiki Ho lineage and the Jikiden Reiki lineage (from a URRI 2000 handout).  Hyakuten is assumed to be doing the same, although I found his Reiki energy was changing over time and I am unaware of the source of the current Reiki he uses.  See my Threshold anecdote article on the Komyo Reiki energy and how I came to discover and share Yamaguchi-sensei's original energy as shared weekly with Hyakuten in 1997.

The Reiki energy lineage of this class is Usui - Hayashi - Yamaguchi - Inamoto - Rivard 
(See this chart)

Rev. Hyakuten Inamoto-sensei teaching

Komyo Reiki Kai uses the original 4 Hayashi 1935 levels of Shoden, Chuuden (Chûden), Okuden and Shinpiden.  While each class may be taught in a short period of time, in Japan Hyakuten also retains the process he experienced with Yamaguchi-sensei and teaches some students weekly over a slightly longer space of time.

My Komyo Reiki Master upgrade class is presented much as I learned it in October 2002 in it's intensive format from Hyakuten and is intended mainly for experienced Reiki Masters, although I find it is also suitable for the first time master.  This master level upgrade class is taught over 2 days with 3 attunements being given and a review of the first 3 levels as taught in the Komyo Kai Reiki style.

As Hyakuten has changed some aspects of his material and his attunement method, I also share some of his original ideas and attunement method. My material also includes additions added by Hyakuten since 2002.

In order to better give my students a good idea of how Hyakuten teaches, the class includes a modified manual (with photos and comments), a video showing Hyakuten teaching attunements and access to class files in pdf format.  The video shows original footage of Hyakuten in class, and the manual has many photos demonstrating attunements and techniques.  This helps the distant student to get a sense of what the original live class with Hyakuten is like, and allows for on-going review and reference.

Since Hyakuten's material may be modified, I keep my own students up to date on this at my internet Komyo Reiki class pages, as I become aware of changes. 

All students receive a certificate of completion. 

Note that enrollment in my Komyo Reiki Shihan class is limited to those who have already received certification in a Reiki Master class.  The class is available only in a live format with me.  (see below for the distant class - Komyo-Ki Reiki.) 

Komyo Reiki Kai Shihan (Master) Class - Toronto Canada, October 3, 2002

In the past I have been asked to teach this and other Reiki classes outside of Vancouver in Canada, and also in Spain, the UK, The Netherlands, The USA and in Japan.  If you have an interest in a class in your area, please contact me to discuss this.

Please Note: This a Japanese Reiki Master level upgrade class containing certain aspects of original Hayashi Reiki Kenkyukai training.   By upgrade,  I mean that the class assumes you already are a practicing Reiki Master and have the ongoing support of a previous teacher in the areas of class content, teaching Reiki classes, giving attunements, and the ethics and practices of a Reiki Master.  The way this class is presented by Hyakuten outside of Japan assumes all this and he offers no ongoing support after class.  Inside Japan, a new master would usually be expected to repeat the class and assist the teacher in his other classes and meetings.

NOTE:  As of November 2016, I am no longer offering classes in Komyo Reiki.  Please see this page for a list of possible teachers.

What is Threshold Reiki?     What is Gendai Reiki Ho?

If you have comments or suggestions, CONTACT ME. .  I will try to answer them all.