
Miscellaneous Reiki Menu

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Last Updated: December 4, 2012
Looking for What's Changed Here? See The Update Log
Here are some additional topics that you may find interesting.  Enjoy!
H = includes printable Handout to download
My Path to Reiki
A little biography on me just to give you an idea of how I found my way to Reiki. Also I mention some of the training I have received since that time.
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My Training History
This is a chart that shows the various teachers I have trained with,plus it demonstrates that all Reiki practitioners can trace their Reiki roots back to Mikao Usui. Read more ....
H.My Symbols
After having at least 2 interesting experiences in receiving energy symbols, I decided I should share these at my web page in order to assist others having difficulty validating their own similar experiences.  Read more ....
What is "Sharing from the Heart" ?
Why I sign off most of my emails this way.  A reminder for me to exercise this personal development concept each day.
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Light Technique for Healing
A very simple yet powerful healing method that can be easily learned and used by anyone - Right Now! You can also use this for enlightening and protecting your work area, your home, and for improving and healing relationships at home and work. Read more ....
Bridge of Light to Trust
This is actually a channeled meditation I use in my channeling classes, but also a stand-alone one very useful to help you work through issues of Trust.  The meditation can easily be changed to work with issues of Love, Abundance, Understanding, etc.  Read more ....
Alternative Healing Methods
I have discovered several other energy forms of healing since I learned Reiki, and other people have shared their experiences with me as well. You might find some of theses healing styles appealing. 
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Light Body Threshold
resources for your energy abilties
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Colour Test for Healing
a fun healing idea, useful on yorself or on others you work with.  You might even try it with plants and other objects.
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Creating Triangles
working with the power of threes
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Triangles of Light
transmit light, love to your group and to humanity.
Orin's Meditation Room
Here are some guided meditations you can use with your daily spiritual routine. You might let Reiki flow while you sit and read them.
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Daily Inspiration - Soul Love
If you are looking for a little mental pick-me-up during the day, go to this "Creating Your Highest Future Room" and read the inspiration that shows up. It's from the book "Soul Love" but you can also select from one of the other books there.
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Additional Resource Page
Looking to join a Reiki Healing group, trying to locate a Reiki Master in your area, interested in buying a Reiki table, or just looking for more interesting Reiki pages with lots of detail?  Look here and Click.
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Reciprocal Links / Web Rings
Here is a list of other Reiki sites that have swapped links with me. Also some Web rings. Both are an easy way to browse other Reiki sites.
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Greater Vancouver BC Maps, Tourism info and Where to Stay in and around the Vancouver, Canada area.  Many of my out-of-town students find this useful and often stay at the Bed and Breakfast across the street from me.  Also useful if you are just interested in visiting Vancouver, but do drop me a line if you will be in town.
Reiki Masters List 
  • Canada
  • Worldwide
  • Looking for a Reiki Master in your area or just wanting to extend your Reiki connections?  Start with this list of excellent teachers who have taken the Threshold Reiki Master Training.  It's also a good list to use to make a Reiki connection in a country or area you plan to visit.  Reiki is always a nice form of introduction.
    Student Access 
    to all Threshold 
    Class Pages
    This is just a link to the menu for my student pages. The Threshold Reiki Student Pages are available to all who have taken a live or distant class with me. They are intended not only for instruction but to keep you up-to-date on the latest information I have acquired.  Your private access codes allow you into the levels of training  you have taken with me to date.  If you are my student and I haven't set you up with access yet, please send me an e-mail and I will do so.
    . Other Menus 

    Interested in Distant Training, or are you just curious as to what you can expect in each of the Reiki levels? You can look at my list of course outlines and fees, and use them to gauge what others are offering.  This gives you someplace to start as you begin to search for a teacher. (I realize I may not be the best or most appropriate teacher for everyone.)
    Whether you are new to the concept of Reiki or an experienced Reiki Practitioner you may find some of the topics at these Entry Level Pages of interest to you.
    Here are some other topics of interest at the Reiki Threshold.  Have a look at some of these if they grab your attention.  I recommend you explore the Usui Memorial, the Usui Gainen or Precepts, the Saihoji Temple, Reiki in Japan, Sensei Hiroshi Doi's book, among others.

    Site Map  - An Index of all the Reiki Threshold pages

    If you have comments or suggestions, Contact Me.   I will try to answer them all.
