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What is Usui Teāte?

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Last Updated: August 23, 2012
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Usui Teate is the 1925 Usui system that grew out of original Usui-Do.  It was actually taught by Usui Sensei's senior student, Toshihiro Eguchi, always under the watchful guidance of Usui Sensei. It was already in progress before the arrival in the dojo of Dr. Hayashi and Admirals Ushida (Gyuda) and Taketomi (Leaders of UsuI Reiki Ryoho Gakkai) 

This system would interest those looking to understand the spiritual roots of Usui Sensei's teachings.  Experience with Reiki is NOT a requirement.  In fact it is recommended that those with Reiki experience simply leave all such concepts "at the door" and enter the class with a very open mind.  Any similarities with Reiki can be thought of as "coincidence.  This will allow you to better appreciate what Usui Sensei was originally sharing with others.

Dave King is currently teaching weekend classes involving the first 3 levels of the system - Shoden, Chûden and Okuden).  Please consult him at www.usui-do.org for more information. Also visit the Usui-Do web site for more details on Usui-Do and Usui Teāte, including a comparative chart on the progression of the systems attributed to Usui Sensei.

For my own synopsis on Usui-Do and Usui Teate, including Dave's experiences, please click here.

(The 1925 Usui System)

The system is Usui's own application of Usui-Do.  It was practised in Usui's dojo during 1925. It does not contain any of the material introduced by Hayashi, Eguchi or Ushida. The true origins are rooted deeply in Japanese tradition that has existed for thousands of years. The teachings are presented exactly as passed on by a student who studied directly with Usui from 1920 until 1926. They are not interpreted through a Buddhist lens or by a post-Meiji Japanese viewpoint.

The aim of the system is to achieve unity of self through harmony and balance. This is approached through a set of simple yet powerful exercises that are practised unconditionally. It is principally intended for use on the self. The system does not directly make use of any form of bio-energy (KI in Japanese).

The system was originally presented in a formal dojo.  Interactions between doka (student) and shihan (facilitator) follow a prescribed manner. The system is passed on through the dojo presentations which permit the doka 'experiencing' the system rather than 'learning' it. There are no descriptive handouts or manuals and no automatic movement up the levels of the system.

The information presented in Usui Teáte has been broken down into six levels named after the ancient Menkyo grading system used by the Samurai. The transition to each level is marked by a simple ritual  that is not an 'initiation' or an attunement' and does not directly make use of any form of bio-energy (KI in Japanese). 

The first four levels are used by practitioners: 

Shoden (first teachings) and Chûden (middle teachings) are usually taught together and form the basis of the system. 

Okuden (deeper teachings) offers a deeper perspective into the Buddhist origins of the system. 

Kaiden (complete teachings) connects the previously taught information in a more spiritual manner. It is not connected with teaching the system or being a master. 

The remaining two levels are described as Shinpiden (teaching of the mysteries). They take the form of an apprenticeship. A holder of these levels should be addressed as 'sensei' .

Menkyo Kaiden (facilitator) contains material required to become a shihan (facilitator) of the system. It enables a student to pass on the practitioner levels (shoden through kaiden) but not to create another menkyo Kaiden

Soke This level leads to dai shihan (senior facilitator) and contains additional material required to enable a student to pass on the complete system. 

A certificate is issued for each level up to kaiden by filling in and stamping designated sections on a single sheet of paper. Higher levels are certified on a formal menjyo.

It is this system that Usui-Do Eidan is currently presenting in their dojo.

If you have comments or suggestions, Contact Me.     I will try to answer them all.

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