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Threshold Reiki Master Class Description
Usui Gainen - Usui Principles - Usui Gokai

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Last Updated: April 8, 2018
 All classes include a detailed manual, additional handouts and a certificate of completion.

Also See Preparing For Threshold Reiki Master Class
My Neighbour Totoro
A Helpful Thought for Your Journey
"To surrender to love, you will need to pay attention to any of your own emotions, moods, or thoughts that might lead you to act in less than loving ways. You may need to surrender pride, a sense of self-importance, the need to have your way, to feel superior to, or to have power over others. You will want to let go of those emotions that make you feel less than, inferior, or doubtful of your worth. You will want to train yourself to think about others in positive ways, even if you feel they have hurt you. You will want to bring about harmonious conditions through your speech, actions, and thoughts."
from the book Soul Love

Are You an Aspiring Reiki Master?
Are You a Reiki Master Looking to Enhance Your Master Level Training?

Once you have completed the first 2 or 3 steps of Reiki training, you may feel a calling to go further, to complete your journey.  You may not even have any desire to teach others at this time, or you might already have people lined up waiting for you to assist them connect to Reiki. 

Whatever the source of the urge, know that each Reiki Master or Shihan (teacher, example) was at this point at one time or another.  They may not have felt competent enough to teach, or they may have not even thought about this, or they were eager to pass this threshold to their next journey. 

The essence of Reiki is very easy to pass onto others.  This includes the attunement or Reiju ceremony you learned, and ideas on how to help the new student 

If teaching Reiki or the Master Level in Reiki interests you, then you probably already know that it is a powerful step in the practice of Reiki, and in your own personal growth. It is an extension of the ability to help pass on the gift of Reiki to others (friends, family, students), and it gives you new tools to assist your own spiritual and energy growth. 

Requirement:  You will have received Reiki Third Degree (level three) training from myself or another Reiki Master.  This can be Advanced Reiki Training, Reiki Master training, Reiki 3a or similar - essentially you will have received the master symbol, attunement and training from myself or another Reiki teacher and be certified.

If you are already a Reiki Master, you may be interested in some aspects of the training I offer.  As I continually interacted with other Japanese and Western Reiki teachers and styles of Reiki, and became exposed to Reiki history and original techniques, I always shared much of these with my students.  I also found that much of this information was. and still is interesting to those already at the master level. 

In the system of Reiki as taught by Mikao Usui's student, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, there were at least 4 levels of training.  This system is also used in many Japanese schools.  They included the 1st and 2nd levels, the 3rd or practitioner level (where one receives the master level energy), and finally the teacher level (known in the West as the Master level).  In the Takata system of Reiki, the third level combines the last two.  In the URR Gakkai, the original Reiki Society, they too have 4 levels, the head of a branch or th overall society being the 4th or shihan level.

I teach Reiki in 4 levels, mainly to accommodate the additional information I have learned from my 8 teachers and additional resources. This method also allows the student the choice of completing the 3rd and master level separately or together.

Master/Teacher Training and More

As you may know, the Reiki student receives the awakening to Reiki energy with the very first level one attunement  (called reiju or denju in Japan). Subsequent attunements are used simply as energy boosters or introductions to complementary energy connections (symbols). In my course, the student also receives additional energy enhancing attunements (from Japanese styles of Reiki), and learns several attunement processes including some of the earliest Japanese methods known. You will receive additional non-Reiki symbols including some that I was given by spirit guides, mainly to help you understand and appreciate the importance of your own potential gifts.  All of this serves to increase the student's awareness of the various flavours of Reiki available, of traditional and Western concepts and symbols, and of other types of healing and spiritual growth energies.

Reiki by itself can be very effective.  However, the additional symbols, techniques and energies taught in this class are simply optional ways of adding more possibilities into your healing sessions;  much like the availability of more spices in your kitchen provides you with more possibilities for a really good stew. Some prefer it plain or as simple ways, while others react to specific combinations.

And more important, you will receive ongoing support and interaction after class;

  • through my internet based class pages (to remain up to date with my material), 
  • access to my Threshold manuals for all levels (to share with your own in-person students), 
  • master level videos (for review and teaching others), 
  • audio meditations (for improving your energy work),
  • and through one-on-one contact with me (via in person, phone, mail or internet) as you require this. 
This support is continuous and has no limit.


Both the in-person or distant Threshold Reiki Master class will instruct you in passing on all levels of Reiki to others.  While the in person class is a 2 day intensive class, the internet or distant class is the same material and process, but extended up to a month in duration (it is up to the student how quickly he or she wishes to go.)  The distant student actually seems to get much more out of the class due ti this.)  As you know, what you learn in any class is at the discretion of your Reiki teacher.

In my Threshold Reiki Master class we will cover the following subjects:
If you have not taken a Threshold Reiki class from me before, I will re-attune you to the first three levels using my process, to give you the experience of how they feel compared to what you already have received, and what benefits each may impart to you (and your future students.)
An integrated master level attunement that enhances the qualities of the symbols, plus includes all the Threshold Reiki symbols and additional bonus energies.
Use of each of the Threshold Reiki symbols - traditional and Western based, including the original Usui purpose of the symbols and original Usui exercises.
A simple but effective Reiki Master meditation using the micro-cosmic orbit, that assists in clearing blocked energy.
A discussion of what it means to be a Reiki Master, including suggestions on your new responsibilities and how to interact you students.
Reiki breathing used in many Western attunements and energy work.
How to perform a healing attunement, and practice on another student (or guidance in this for the distant student.)
How to perform the Threshold Reiki First, Second, and Third Degree attunements, with lots of practice (or guidance in this for the distant student.)
How to perform the Threshold Reiki Master integrated attunement, with practice time (or guidance in this for the distant student.)
How to attune yourself  (and others) to any symbol/energy (several methods are explained and tested.)
How to send a distant attunement and perform a self-attunement.
How to duplicate the exact same energies you receive from me, and increase your integration of each as you do.  Plus how to pass this exact same energy onto your own students.
An interesting Western healing symbol called the Antahkarana.
After class is completed, access to all the Threshold Reiki class manuals and handouts I use in teaching Threshold Reiki.  You may also print these for your own in-person Threshold Reiki students.
Additional handouts relating to symbols, Dr. Usui, Mrs. Takata  and Dr. Hayashi.
Information on Reiki in Japan, some via Hayashi's last surviving student, some from Reiki Masters in Japan
An early attunement process taught by Dr. Hayashi (similar to what Mrs. Takata and Mrs. Yamaguchi learned and first taught.) 
The simple Japanese Gendai Reiki Ho reiju (attunement) that Hiroshi Doi-sensei used in workshops and Reiki gatherings; also his Gendai Power Reiju and Self Reiju.
A VIDEO and CLASS MANUAL showing all attunements,  healing and breathing techniques.
Other interesting subjects as time permits,

Pre-requisite for this class is Reiki 3rd Degree or Reiki Master certificate from me or any other Reiki Master (i.e. you will have already received an attunement and training re. the master level symbol).


This is a two-day intensive that is normally taught on a weekend in a class setting, from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., either both days of one weekend, or one day on two consecutive weekends (like back to back Sundays).   However, it can be taken privately over 3-4 days during the week at your place, my place or a special location.
The training may also be taken at your leisure over the internet.  You still receive all the personal attunements, handouts and on-going support.  As the internet class is taken over a period of up to one month, the student often finds more time to digest the class material and ask questions, practice and offer comments on his/her experiences.  Many find this a more satisfying approach to advanced level Reiki classes.

Either way, the student is encouraged to continue practicing and reading material after class, and to interact with Richard on an on-going basis with questions, comments and concerns.

Please check my Course Fees for the current fee structure.  On receipt of complete payment  you will receive access to the class pages at this web site. Click here for an example of the Master Level Class Pages.

For students taking in-person class training, when I receive full payment I will give you access to some preparation class material so you can read it before the class.  This helps you to be aware of what will be covered in advance and to get more out of the class.  For students taking distant/internet training, access to the class material via the internet will be given once full payment is received. 

As usual, at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that states you are a certified Threshold Reiki Master

For internet training, once I receive the entire fee, I will give you access to the class pages so you may begin the training, while your class manual is on the way to you via regular mail.  You can take your time over a period of up to 1 month to complete the training. Also, I work with you as you follow a Distant Course Checklist.  The one at my class pages includes helpful comments and advice, but if you are interested, Click here for a shortened example of the Master Level Distant Course Checklist.


Upon completing this class, the student is now a REIKI MASTER or Reiki Shihan (the term used in Japan) and is fully able to initiate others into all levels of Reiki.  Again, the student typically finds that their Reiki energy has increased in strength, and this will continue as they work with these energies and receive periodic re-attunements or reiju. 

In class you will be giving and receiving many attunements to/from your classmates (or the teacher) as you practice these techniques.  (in the distant class, this may be your own practice subject, as will be discussed.)  As with the other levels of Reiki, the attunement process may again excite a self balancing process that may last for several weeks. This may effect you physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually, but each student is unique in how, if in fact they even notice a change.. 

Often during this time, the Reiki energy works throughout you and helps the body adjust to shifts in your new vibratory rate.  The result of this process differs from student to student. This class can trigger a substantial healing experience; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

After the class is over, I invite you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about what was taught, or on teaching your own classes.  Also, you are allowed to join in and review the class at any time - this includes those taking the distant training.  While I try to be as clear and concise as possible, it is natural for the material to take time to be absorbed by the student, especially after such a powerful attunement process. 

 A Teacher of Teachers

I have taken instruction from 8 Reiki teachers, all of different backgrounds and styles, from Japan and the West, and I interact with many Reiki teachers from around the world.  I continue to look for better ways to help others heal themselves and grow spiritually.  I believe in sharing this information with all his students.

To date I have taught hundreds of Reiki Masters, many in a private class setting as well as in a distant class, including many who were already experienced Reiki Masters.  This has given me the opportunity to explore new ways of presenting this material, and to ensure that the student is able to easily and successfully assist the opening of Reiki energy for others.  Also because many of my classes are small or private, I can give more attention to teach a student than in a larger class.  The addition of my class pages allows me to keep my students current in what I am learning about Reiki.

Preparing For Threshold Reiki Master Class

List of Threshold Reiki Masters (and other masters) I Have Taught

Reiki Training Home Page

Course Outlines &  Course Fees    /   Internet/Distant Training   / 

Payment Methods   /  Class Schedule  My Location

 If you have comments or suggestions, Contact Me.   I will try to answer them all.

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