This Note is one
of a series
where I give my ideas on aspects of Reiki and/or energy work. The pages
are intended to give some "food for thought" and some are only my
viewpoint. While a number of facts may be included, you should decide
for yourself how much (if any) of the content feels right to you.
When I first
learned Reiki there was little, if any, spiritual content shared in class. The
closest would have been the Western version of the Usui Gainen or
concepts. These were taught instead as
precepts and their translation and purpose had changed over the years from
Usui’s original teachings, and continued to change once Mrs. Takata shared her
version. When I began teaching Reiki I
had some students asking about the spiritual side of Reiki. Like some Western teachers I was only able to
add in some ideas I had learned from my own metaphysical and new age types of
training. Some of the classes I had
taken did include similar ideas, but it wasn’t until I met Dave King and then
later, Hiroshi Doi, that I began to see glimpses of Usui’s original spiritual
purpose. These sources came from 2 different directions – one from original
students of Usui still living in the early 2000’s and the other from Usui Reiki
Ryoho Gakkai oral teachings.
In 1999 I had
suggested that my friends and I invite Mr. Hiroshi Doi to Vancouver to teach
what he was allowed to share from early URR Gakkai teachings. I noticed that his 3rd level or
Shinpiden material had some spiritual ideas in it I had not seen in Western
Reiki classes. And when my friends and I took Mr. Doi’s Gokuikaiden training (4th
level or master level) the following year in Japan, there were more ideas of a
spiritual and teaching nature included.
So it seems that the URR Gakkai did retain some ideas from, if not the
spirit of some of the original Usui teachings.
If you have comments or suggestions, Contact Me. I will try to answer them all.