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This page is one of a series where I give my ideas on aspects of Reiki and/or energy work. The pages are intended to give some "food for thought" and some are only my viewpoint. While a number of facts may be included, you should decide for yourself how much (if any) of the content feels right to you.
(H Most of the notes have downloadable pdf files for you to use.)

Video Links to help Reiki Students (and others) understand various wellness techniques
Click Here Become the Energy Sources - Before the availability of Reiki systems outside of Japan, do you remember the first time you could feel the difference between energy objects?  **  New **
Click Here Braden: Harmonize Heart and Brain - Explanationand Meditation.  Harmonize Heart and Brain is state of harmony that we create for ourselves in heart-brain coherence
 Click Here Reiki Attunement: Part 1 -  Often when in the middle of teaching a distant Reiki Master's class I end up sharing a lot of additional comments with my student, most of which are not in my master level manual. I suppose I do this because in the distant classes the student has up to a month to complete it, so conversations tend to be quite interesting.  Topics: 1attunement intention;   and 2 – potential energy experience Click Here Reiki Attunement: Part 2 - Continuing from Part 1, I now discuss the effects of the attunement on the student and on you, the teacher.
opics: 3
integration process;  and 4 – the teacher's experience
 Click Here Reiki Attunement: Part 3 - Continuing from Part 2, I discuss a fairly common practice since the internet, as well as a revised practice from the original Reiki society.
Topics: 5attunements without training;  and 6 –  frequent re-attunements

Click Here Reiki Attunement: Part 4 - Continuing from Part 3, these concepts are not so commonly used, but I feel it's good to be aware of them all the same.
Topics: 7temporary attunements;  and 8 – reiju (or attunements) as a blessing

Click Here Reiki Attunement: Part 5 - Continuing from Part 4, these concepts are not so commonly used, but I feel it's good to be aware of them all the same.
Topics: 9 – option: check student's Reiki;  10 – which ceremony to use
Topics: 11 – responsibility to student;  and 12 – more helpful reading
Click Here Water Ideas -  One of the first Reiki exercises I learned that didn't involve direct healing with a person, was using Reiki on your drinking water.  I think that most Reiki practitioners learn something like this. Life As A Movie - Think of your life being like a big movie.  Of course you are the main actor.  You most likely do not realise it but you own your version of the film. So potentially you can make any changes you like. Click Here
Feng Shui Compass (Luopan) - www.inamagine.comReiki Feng Shui - According to "Feng Shui" literally translates as 'wind-water' in English."  Among other things it includes the art of positioning objects within a room to improve the flow of chi or energy, thus improving the life or well being of those using this space. Click Here
TRHas Your Reiki Energy Changed? - A Simple Re-Attunement Method - Some time ago I wrote an article on “Reiki Lineage” and how it does not guarantee that the Reiki you received from your teacher is the same energy that was shared somewhere else in your lineage.  Click Here
S4Rumours Concerning the 4th Reiki Symbol - Some time after I took Komyo Reiki training with Hyakuten I learned that Mrs. Yamaguchi did not teach the 4th symbol.  Apparently she had not learned this from her uncle, Wasaburo Sugano, the person who gave her permission to teach. Click Here
Usui GainenLiving the Usui Concepts - Most likely a part of your Reiki class was the presentation of what used to be called the Usui precepts or principles.  Those more aware of his original document have come to know it as his concepts which he presented as 3 guidelines to daily living. Click Here
URR Gakkai Style Reiju created by Hiroshi DoiIs Reiki Master Just an Attunement? - Recently a person emailed me to compliment me on my article on the validity of distant Reiki attunements.  It seems he had just discovered what I and fellow Reiki masters around the world had experienced back in the mid 1990’s, that they do indeed work. Click Here
Teaching an Instrumemt --www-inmagine-comReiki As Music -- In my Reiki 1 classes I get asked a variety of questions about Reiki.  Most often students are trying to wrap their heads around the concept of what Reiki is.  So I might suggest they think of Reiki energy as being just one type of music, making use of many, many instruments from around the world (both modern and ancient instruments). Click Here
xStarting to Teach Reiki - Pt. 1 --  You’ve just completed your master level, or maybe you did so some time ago but now you are thinking about teaching Reiki.  Maybe you planned this all along or someone has been urging you to teach them. So now you are wondering “What’s next?” or “How do I get started?”
( Now with English and French PDF files to DOWNLOAD)
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Reiki FlyerStarting to Teach Reiki - Pt. 2 --  Even before you think about advertising classes you can start putting yourself and your upcoming Reiki work out into the world, but in an energetic way.
( Now with English and French PDF files to DOWNLOAD)
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DirectionsStarting to Teach Reiki - Pt. 3 -- When you are eager to teach your classes it may seem like a small matter to think about your teaching site.  Most will probably teach in their home. 
( Now with English and French PDF files to DOWNLOAD)
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Teaching ReikiStarting to Teach Reiki - Pt. 4 -- Obviously this is the most important part of the teaching process, but at this point you are now much more prepared to work with your students. While there may be many things you want to remember and carry out, do try to enjoy yourself.                        ( Now with English and French PDF files to DOWNLOAD)
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Giving Reiki to a treeReiki and Nature -- Back in Toronto in the 1970’s I was very involved in yoga. During a seminar one day an instructor mentioned the benefits of sitting with my back to a tree – I think it was a willow tree – to get the benefits of the tree’s calming energies. Click Here
Tai-Chi--www-inmagine-comDoing The Work -- So you have had your Reiki attunements, your Reiki classes, maybe some training about symbols and other techniques; you might even be a Reiki teacher now.   Has all this experience made the changes in your life you had hoped for? Click Here
Call-Light--www-inmagine-comVisualising Situations as Energy -- I find it interesting that after working with a useful technique many times over a period of 18 years, that I might still forget to call on it when I need some improved results for challenging areas in my life.   Click Here
pathLife Path - Life Purpose -- If you are like me, you probably found yourself immersed in the world of Reiki without really intending to be a teacher or even a practitioner for others.  That kind of commitment may have simply crept up on you.   Click Here 
Mrs. TakataQuestionable Reiki Teachings -- Often when I teach a new student who has had previous Reiki training from another teacher, I end up having to suggest changes to some of their beliefs about Reiki.  Click Here
sakuraReiki and Spirituality -- It’s Earth Day here and spring time in the Vancouver area, the sakura trees are all in bloom and that makes me think about a Reiki related trip I took to Japan in 2000. Click Here
O-Sensei: A View of Mikao UsuiThe Reiki Symbols -- When I first learned the Reiki symbols I read a variety of stories that explained their origin, including one about Usui Sensei seeing the symbols appear in bubbles of light during a meditation. However it wasn't until Melissa Riggall shared something with me in an email in late 1996, that I began to have a growing understanding of where and why they originated. Click Here
Teaching LineageReiki Lineage -- Reiki lineage didn't used to be a concern as most masters outside of Japan could easily trace their teachers' teachers back to Hawayo Takata.  In Japan, your teacher was likely close to one of Usui's students like Eguchi, Hayashi or one of the 2 admirals - Ushida and Taketomi - the original URR Gakkai presidents. Click Here
TRValidating Attunement Energies -- Some people find that during certain attunements they don't seem to sense anything out of the ordinary and they might wonder if anything actually occurred. Or they may feel there has been no change in their ability with this energy.
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Usui GainenAffirmations and Visualisation -- In modern times the concept of affirmations is pretty much accepted as a valid tool in everyday life.  It can even be improved upon as we come to understand the "Law of Attraction" and the "Art of Allowing"
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Gendai Self ReijuSelf Attunements -- In my first Reiki 3/Reiki Master class (1994) my teacher was Elizabeth Gilberg, a former student of William Rand, who also gave out his Reiki manuals in class.  So it was Rand's material where I first got the idea to explore distant attunements and self attunements. Click Here
ScanningSensing Energies -- Another area of interest for Reiki 1 students is that of being able to sense problem areas in the body. This didn't seem to be a part of Western Reiki when Mrs. Takata taught here. Click Here
from Barbara Brennan - Handsof LightReiki and Grounding -- Recently in a class I was explaining a common term used in healing practices, that of "grounding" oneself. It seems to have at least 2 connotations. Click Here
Call-Light--www-inmagine-comThe 21 Day Cleanse - Is It Mandatory? -- Recently a prospective student asked me why my Reiki 1 class content didn't appear to cover the topic of a 21 day cleanse. I assured him I did discuss this, but not in the same context.  Click Here
Opening To Channel
What's Next? --- Have you found yourself still searching for more once you completed all your Reiki training, or once everything you learned seemed to have settled in?
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Healing Yourself With LightHealing Yourself With Light ---  Even if you are not already using Reiki or some other energy related discipline, you already have natural healing abilities within you.
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xStepping Up Your Reiki ---  Have you been wondering about how you might improve the effectiveness of your Reiki energy work?  Have you thought about using Reiki for more than just healing or balancing purposes? .
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Anneli Twan2005 Reiki Share with Anneli Twan - a Takata student --  A summary of the presentation Anneli Twan gave on her experiences with Takata-sensei while taking her Reiki training at the age of 10. A well presented article by Reiki Master Jennifer Lundin Ritchie who attended this Vancouver Reiki Master share.
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Reiki Books2003 Retreat with Wanja Twan and Rick Bockner - Takata Masters
Another summary by Reiki Master Jennifer Lundin Ritchie on a Vancouver area Reiki retreat held by the 2 Takata master level students, Wanja Twan and Rick Bockner..

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If you have comments or suggestions, Contact Me.   I will try to answer them all.

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