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Threshold Notes -- Starting to Teach Reiki - Pt. 3

Last Updated: August 30, 2018         RETURN TO THRESHOLD NOTES iNDEX

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This blog is one of a series where I give my ideas on aspects of Reiki and/or energy work. The pages are intended to give some "food for thought" and some are only my viewpoint. While a number of facts may be included, you should decide for yourself how much (if any) of the content feels right to you.

This article is from some material I have been preparing for my own master level students.

Comments:  When you are eager to teach your classes it may seem like a small matter to think about your teaching site.  Most will probably teach in their home.  Yet there are some steps to consider in order to add a bit more professionalism to your class, and make the experience just a bit better for your students.
The Venue (Preparing the Class Site and Material):

1.   Directions to the Class Location: Even if you live in a small town it’s a good idea to send your students some directions to your class location.  If someone from out of town will be coming, perhaps suggest some lodgings and restaurants to help make their stay easier.  Think about providing directions by car and by local transit, plus where there is parking. It’s just a good habit to get into and it will especially be appreciated by people who are new to the area.  While more and more people are using online maps with directions, you might still create one of your own with additional markings on it to make things very obvious.  In my own situation I found that the online maps were showing my address to be the other end of the block.  Confused students would be late for class, or phoning me to ask where exactly I was.  So I made a copy of one of the map images on the internet using my “Prt Sc” key, pasted it into my computer’s graphic program, and then made circles around the exact location and building entrance (we have 3). I included the local bus stops as well.  I now send this map to each new student along with directions and other class info.  You might want to mention what to wear and some of the other ideas mentioned in the following steps.

2.    Preparing the Class Location:  It is best to choose a room that will provide very little disturbance, both from others living or using your location, and from noise coming from outside.  However, sometimes the latter can’t be helped (lawn mowers, leaf blowers, children playing) so imagine Reiki energy flowing into the room to energetically seal off and protect it from such disturbances.  That might help students be more relaxed no matter what.  Of course you will make sure you have enough places for students to sit.  But if at home, also think of the sturdier, moveable chairs (as opposed to a couch) they will need for the attunement ceremony and any Reiki practice sessions.  Check the needs of any disabled students (ask them in advance.)  Some people like to have Reiki pictures in view – I have a photo of Usui sensei as well as a copy of the original Usui Gainen wall hanging, sort of copying what a traditional dojo might do.  Some might burn incense or smudge, but do be attentive to any smoke and scent allergies your students might have.  At times I have students who could use an additional throw pillow for their back or under their feet, so these are handy to have.  If you will be playing music, test this out in advance if you are at an unfamiliar location.  And watch the temperature and air flow in the room so that students remain comfortable.

3.    manualsPreparing the Class Material:  While you most likely will have prepared yourself for what you will teach (i.e. class notes, white board and marker) it is a good idea to have some kind of handout that reflects your class content.  This serves to help clarify any points that the students might not get in the moment (don’t forget some may be a bit disoriented from the Reiki energy and have difficulty focusing at times on what you teach.)  It also assists them later when they review the class at home. When I first began teaching I gave copies of a very simple Reiki book, plus additional handouts covering things not in the book.  Eventually I created my own material and made this available to my students (part of my Reiki 1 manual is available free to the public).  So you might check with your Reiki teacher to see if she or he has something available. Otherwise, don’t worry about too much material as you know by now how simple Reiki is to learn and use.  You can always allow students to repeat the class to firm up their understanding of what was taught.  You might have some extra pens and paper in case a student has forgotten and wishes to make notes.

4.    Preparing the Certificates:  It is pretty standard now in any Reiki class for students to be given a certificate of completion at the end of the class.  I’ve seen many variations of this just in those I’ve received from western and eastern styles, from simple to complex, and plain to very artistic.  Most people will copy the wording or ideas of their teachers, but it’s fine if you wish to create your own wording and design.  Mrs. Takata made hers look official by pressing a corporate seal on hers.  In Japan a person would have a special square ink stamp called a hanko, for his or her organisation, as well as a private round hanko with his last name. Not everyone uses a stamp on their certificates.

5.    The Class Location Facilities: By this I mainly mean the washroom area.  Normally you would have soap, towels, etc.  You might want to also have a roll of paper towels or some of the new and inexpensive hand wipe products for those who prefer that.  Most likely students will be washing their hands before each Reiki session given so they might be in the washroom a few times during the day.

6.    Water, Drinks, Snacks?  At the very least you should have some drinking water available.  Other options are tea and juices.  Some students might bring their own including snacks.  Do be aware that some may have a medical need to eat or drink something more frequently.  So you might be prepared to allow this.

7.    What to Do for Lunch?  If your class is an all-day one you will need to think about what your students can do for a mid-day meal.  You might allow them to bring their own food, or perhaps even suggest a “pot luck” meal where everyone brings something to share.  Otherwise, you can suggest local restaurants.  In that case allow for extra travel time for this.

Here are links to some of the web pages mentioned in this blog:
- Google Maps       -
Sample of Threshold Reiki 1 manual   
 -  Sample Certificates       -  Hand Towels 
Richard (Rick) Rivard

If you have comments or suggestions, Contact Me.   I will try to answer them all.

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