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Threshold Notes -- The Reiki Attunement-Part 4

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Last Updated: September 16, 2018        RETURN TO THRESHOLD NOTES INDEX
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This article is one of a series where I give my ideas on aspects of Reiki and/or energy work. The pages are intended to give some "food for thought" and some are only my viewpoint. While a number of facts may be included, you should decide for yourself how much (if any) of the content feels right to you. I mentioned in Part 1, when most students come to me for master level training, especially if they are new to my Reiki classes, they usually are very keen on anything to do with the Reiki attunement.  In the distant class most will jump right away past the class checklist to the section on attunements, especially the sample videos I have (even though they are pretty old productions from 2001.)  So this particular topic includes some thoughts I have shared on this very important part of the class.
  Part 1 - topics on 1 – the attunement intention;  and 2 – the student's potential energy experience
  Part 2 - topics on 3
the integration process;  and 4 – the teacher's experience
  Part 3 - topics on 5 attunements without training;  and 6 – frequent re-attunements

  1. One day when I was attending a Reiki share that I and one of my master students had organised, I heard my student mention giving what were called "temporary attunements" to some of the participants of the share.  These were to people who had not yet taken a Reiki class.  The teacher meant of course that the attunements they received would wear off shortly after the Reiki share.  I had heard someone else use this idea before, and a few years later I discovered that Hyakuten Inamoto claimed the reiju he would give at his Reiki shares were also temporary. 

    I found this an interesting notion, yet I knew it was a false statement.  While energy work does work a lot as a result of your intention, to think that imparting an empowerment on another person can be temporary just because you think it so, seems to be very false indeed.  You are trying to force your beliefs and intentinos over what i might call "Natural Law," our normal ability to exhibit natural skills.

    As an analogy, imagine going to a music teacher for a singing lesson.  The teacher sings a song, something you can easily learn and repeat during the class, but she intends that you only know it just for that class.  After you leave the class, do you think you will have forgotten the song?  Most likely you will not only recall it but have difficulty getting it out of your thoughts. smile

    I knew that the reason for my student saying this at the Reiki share, and of course Inamoto's reasoning as well, was to encourage the new people attending to afterwards come and take a class with the teacher, and in the process get a "permanent" attunement.  After all, for some people, teaching Reiki is more of a weekend hobby, it is their livelihood.

    So I asked my student if this idea of temporary attunements had been, tested; did the participants indeed lose their ability to flow Reiki shortly after the class?  Of course it hadn't been tested, just assumed.  I think that the teacher felt that since a reiju ceremony was being used and not a westernized attunement ceremony for this, that this made the empowerment temporary.  But I pointed out that a small group of Japanese ladies I recognized as attending the monthly shares frequently, had never taken a Reiki class, and simply learned ideas and techniques just from the Reiki shares.  Their Reiki energy was always very good, whether a reiju was shared at the share or not.  When asked, they told me they met with each other during the month to practice Reiki on each other. Obviously their Reiki was still flowing throughout the month in between each share.  

    When people talk about these reiju being temporary attunements, I point out that when Mr. Hiroshi Doi first shared his own version of a reiju (Gendai Reiju) at the 1999 URRI conference in Vancouver, it was the first that most of us had heard of the concept.  He said that the use of reiju (originally called "denju" or "initiation" by Usui's student, Eguchi) was equal to what the West was using as an attunement.  In fact a reiju ceremony is the original and ongoing ceremony used by the Gakkai for empowerments.  It only has one form, one version, regardless of the Reiki level or when used in a meeting, and does not include symbols.  It is a very short ceremony given from the front of the recipient, and takes less than a minute to give.

  2. However, it was only several years later at the 2002 URRI conference in Toronto when Mr. Doi began suggesting that you could also intend reiju as a blessing instead.  I think he was concerned how some people thought they were now certified Gendai Reiki Ho students after receiving just his reiju and attending his lectures, but they had not taken any of his classes.  In fact Mr. Doi has two longer and different attunement ceremonies he uses for that purpose in his classes, plus a 4th level of his system (called Gokuikaiden or highest level) with a lot of information not shared at the conferences. 

    Mainly, his own Gendai Reiju was originally his method, as in the URR Gakkai, to have a quick and simple way to re-inforce or re-attune students at his own monthly Reiki meetings.  He was copying the idea from what is done monthly for everyone attending the URR Gakkai Reiki meetings in Japan.

    So in that case it seems that what you intend with any Reiki ceremony (e.g. empowerment or blessing) plus what the recipient expects to receive, is a factor to be taken into account.  But in the case of some concepts like temporary attunements, "Natural Law" may step in and override what your intentions are.   I often suggest that when we hear of dubious or seemingly exaggerated claims about what Reiki limitations may be, what it can do or what it should not be used for, that one should test these ideas or at least ask other Reiki practitioners and teachers their own experiences. 

    I recall in the 1990s one Reiki author proclaiming that Reiki should not be used on a patient given an anesthetic, since it can negate the effects of it.  However, on the Reiki list alt.healing.reiki, several masters and I began sharing how we had indeed sent Reiki to people undergoing operations, with no ill effects at all. In fact some years ago one of my master level students who runs a hospice in Maryland shared an article in a medical magazine with me about a surgeon who always brings a Reiki Master into his operating room to assist with healing as he finds he gets very good results with this idea.
  To be continued .....

(Read here about Richard, his extensive training, and his classes)
Richard (Rick) Rivard

If you have comments or suggestions, Contact Me.   I will try to answer them all.

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